About Us

Message from Administration

A Message from Administration

Welcome to Trinity University, Los Angeles!

Throughout Trinity University’s study, the mission of the university will be remained faithful to the Word of God in the world. As president of Trinity University, Los Angeles, I am expected by future outstanding leaders of the school. We will be made significant changes in future, and our institution will be thrived under higher board, staff and faculty who love the Lord, and who desire to advance the university.

 As I prayerfully step into my new role, I intend to keep moving the institution forward with the help of the Father God, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I plan to draw from the wisdom of wholesome as we continue to innovate and be appropriated study. The school offers courses to inter-cultural communication in other locations with the E-learning Management System.

 United States laws have established requirements that regulate distance (E-Learning) education programs offered by postsecondary institutions like Trinity University, Los Angeles. Nowadays these laws protect student-consumers related to a variety of issues today that may occur during the course of their distance education. Trinity University makes every effort to comply with these laws related to its delivery of distance education by the Information Communication Technology(ICT).

 For the glory of God I am committed to spending a significant amount of time on my knees in prayer as our team begins this new journey.


John Hoi Kim, D. Miss. D. Min